On 14 July 2020 at 20:08 Paula Kate Marmor <pkm@pobox.com> wrote:

Perhaps these generated statements can be supported using the “based on heuristic” property, which is well-supported for derived references.  We don’t have a “based on heuristic” for “deduced from genre of works published” but it would be easy to create such a value. Today these values are deduced and added to Wikidata by humans; I can see a future state where they are deduced by bots and then they would be perfectly normal to include in AW.

In the case with which I'm familiar, applied to P921, they typically mean the result of text-mining applied to the title of a scientific paper. So, to give a real example, you may be told that the paper is about "hygiene", when it is about the "hygiene hypothesis" on the causes of asthma.

I suppose I am suggesting that this use case should be/could be solved in Wikidata rather than in AW, with the same result in the end.

Wikidata critics, who are still quite numerous, would have quite a lot of fun with that.
