Hello all,

As promised, here’s an initial, draft list of topics that we will need to cover in the next few months. Think of this as a sneak preview - we can’t have all the conversations at once, but want to make sure that you know that all of them will be covered and that we indeed cover all of them, and that we will get to them. Obviously, if you want to discuss things earlier, by all means, feel free, but when we’re prioritizing answers and so on, we’ll try to follow this outline in order to keep conversations more manageable.

Some of these might turn out to be rather quick, others might take considerably longer.

If there’s something missing, please feel free to suggest it, so that it doesn’t get lost. This list will also be on wiki for easy reference and as an index of topics:


The order of topics will also be worked on together on wiki with you.

Here’s the list:
- Which communication channels we want to use (e.g. list, Wikispore, Meta, etc.)
- Naming and logo of the project and its components
- Data and evaluation model for the code repository (Wikilambda)
- How to effectively communicate about the project (onboard potential contributors, have easy to understand documentation and communication channels, etc)
- Early planning of code development work
- Licenses for the different parts of the project
- Ethical considerations, particularly regarding diversity, representation and sustainability
- Ethical considerations regarding AI aspects of the project
- How to incorporate external expert knowledge and advice
- How to invoke the code repository from other Wikimedia projects
- Theoretical and practical underpinnings of the natural language generation
- Security and safety models for the code repository
- Early community seeding considerations
- Safety and Code of Conduct within the new community
- Usage of the ontological knowledge in Wikidata
- Usage of the lexicographical knowledge in Wikidata
- How do we structure our engagement with the Wikipedias, and with which Wikipedias?
- How do we reach out to other Wikimedia communities?
- How and whether do we reach out to non-Wikimedia communities?
- Where should the Abstract Wikipedia content be created and maintained?

As said, please regard this as an early draft, and please feel free to raise further topics. On wiki we can start the ordering of these topics, and then, in the upcoming weeks we will start discussing and working through the topics.

Also, Adam sent a list of topics, which I already added to the wiki page, and also started a wiki page for that. Thanks for the initiative Adam, it is great to see this enthusiasm!

Thank you!