Yes, FunctionHub is one interesting project in that space, and it is geared towards expressing the meaning of primitive functions in different formalisms. Another related, interesting project is the 

We should make sure to learn lessons from all of these! I wonder how we can set up a system where we can have people who have deeply delved into these topics, participate in our conversations and benefit from their expertise. Simply inviting them to the mailing list doesn't really make the trick.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 12:49 PM Jose Emilio Labra Gayo <> wrote:
One project that I think is related to Wikilambda's goal of developing a comprehensive repository of functions is the "Function hub"  ( that was developed during Ben de Meester's Phd as part of the Function ontology ( 

I think it can be considered as part of the related work and maybe gather some inspiration from it.

-- Best regards, Jose Labra

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