
yes, I agree that's a great and necessary idea. Let's get the page in a slightly better shape first, so that people who don't know their way around wikis that well, know how to contribute, and then I am happy to ask a few people to spread the word. (Or anyone else can do) Just right now the page looks a bit bare and not very actionable. If someone could take the lead there, I'd be very grateful!


On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 10:18 AM Chris Cooley <> wrote:
> I started a page (basically empty), and hope we'll over time work together on the structure of the page.

Denny, this is a great starting wiki page to have!

> let's pull the topic of "Theoretical and practical underpinnings of the natural language generation" earlier

I think an important early task for this topic should be identifying and involving stakeholders. For example, see the draft task at The continual input and review of these stakeholders (in addition to events like the upcoming workshop) will be needed to create a quality result for the topic.


Chris Cooley

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 6:32 PM Denny Vrandečić <> wrote:
Hello all,

Based on a suggestion of Chris Cooley on the wiki, let's pull the topic of "Theoretical and practical underpinnings of the natural language generation" earlier. I started a page (basically empty), and hope we'll over time work together on the structure of the page.

Abstract Wikipedia will generate natural language text from an abstract representation. This is not a novel idea, and it has been tried a number of times before.

On this new page we aim to collect different existing approaches. It tries to summarize the core ideas of the different approaches, their advantages and disadvantages, and point to existing implementations. This page (by and for the community) will help to choose which approach to focus on first when we get to it.

We have some time - I hope that part of the project will kick off in 12-18 months, it all goes well. It would be great if we would have a good and understandable overview of the state of the art by then.

Thanks everyone,

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