On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 9:27 AM Denny Vrandečić <dvrandecic@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Third channel: synchronous discussion. Currently, nothing is ‘blessed’ as such a channel, but there’s already a lively number of unofficial places that have been opened and discussed here (thanks ZI Jony!). As far as I can tell, there’s:
* #wikipedia-abstract on IRC
* #wikilambda on IRC
* Zulip
* AbstractWikipedia channel on Telegram is already quite lively
* Dropping this channel in favor of the first and second channel
* Others?

An IRC channel with active contributors is essential for communicating effectively with the Wikimedia technical community, IMO, so I think having one is a must for long-term success of the project. We can bridge IRC and Telegram, if need be.