Hi folks!
While reading the thread:

Use case: generation of short description

I wondered about the reverse use case... generating long names if short names or abbreviations are found in wiki text (sometimes very hard to disambiguate and sometimes easy based on signals).  Imagine a renderer that was semi-smart enough to expand abbreviations for demonym's into their full long form.

Example:  Brit is the short name for British in American English and a few other languages actually.

Would the use case potentially be fulfilled with a smart renderer that could use the statement short name P1813 on a form applied on a Lexeme itself as I did on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L156273 ?
or on the Item (location) itself as I did for Brit on United Kingdom Q145 ?

I ask because I am thinking of how to help developers in the future where they code a smart renderer that best gets the signals it needs for this use case. Once I know where to add those signals in a best practice, I plan to populate the short name demonym's.  (my hunch is that the Lexeme space is probably the best, rather than the Item space and using P1549:P1813 as I did on United Kingdom Q145 or both Lexemes and Items for good measure, but it's not DRY ?)

In general, looking for best practices for dealing with abbreviations and expanding them contextually. (yeah, rocket science in some respects, but signals might help)
