Hi, Andrzej

The assumption at the moment is, I think, that we will be using the Wikidata lexicographical data [1]. This is not yet as extensive as Wiktionary data [2], but it addresses many of the integrity issues. As far as I understand it, the modelling of Sense still suffers from the flaw that a Sense is presented as a "child" of a Lexeme. So, for example, L1883-S1 is a Sense of Lexeme L1883, representing the English verb to "be" with a gloss of "exist" and a "synonym" relationship to L2148-S1, a Sense of Lexeme L2148, representing the English verb to "exist". I could be wrong, but the simple idea of a word-free Sense to which all languages can link is implemented only through a possible link to a concrete Wikidata Item, so both L1883-S1 and L2148-S1 are linked to Q468777 (existence) and Q203872 (being). Apart from that, a separate translation of each Sense into each corresponding Sense in each language seems to be the intent, at present.

Wikidata also has Forms of Lexemes (but I didn't find "widziałem"). The Lexeme L185 ("see") has a Form L185-F3 ("saw") but this has no link to Form L18498-F1, the uninflected form of the verb to "saw" (unlike Wiktionary, which supports homographs implicitly). Each form has "grammatical features", showing that L185-F3 is the "simple past" of L185 but the same string, "saw", is the "simple present" of L18498. It does not explicitly say that this is not the case in the third person singular, but there is a different form, L18498-F2, which is both "simple present" and "third-person singular", so there may be a presumption that the more particular overrides the more general. 

For "abstract" Senses, we could think of "abstract" as a new language, and then have translations between "abstract" "language" and Senses in all natural (and synthetic) languages. This would give you your "senses dictionary" (and allow implied translations between any Senses linked to the "abstract" Sense. When we need to generate a word in a particular language, we would need to translate the "abstract" Sense to the target language Lexeme and then consult the Forms of that Lexeme to identify which ones are applicable, given the "grammatical features" of the context. 

Plenty more work to be done!

Best regards,

[1] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Lexicographical_data/Documentation
[2] https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.idl-1.12.pdf

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   3. Re: Natural Language and Mathematics Generation (Charles Matthews)
   4. Loose notes (Andy)



Message: 4
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2020 12:29:03 +0200
From: Andy <borucki.andrzej@gmail.com>
To: abstract-wikipedia@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Abstract-wikipedia] Loose notes
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Abstract Wikipedia give benefits:

- first, is creating multi-language corpus for machine translation
learning. The big disadvantage of the existing multi-language corpuses is
that most of data is from movie subtitles, which are very inaccurate.

- second, that it will data for Word Sense Disambiguation learning and WSD
in many languages(!).

In abstract form should be graph of senses. Senses will be choosed from
English Wordnet/UNL or English Wiktionary? UNL is piece of good work but is
inactive for years and not evolves. Wiktoinary senses have plus, that are
grouped by etymology – quite different senses are in other etymology group.
Abstract Wikipedia will linked with Wiktionary? Wiktionary senses numbers
should be now persistent , or better have unique idents. Wiktionary has
advantage that senses are translated to other languages, with disadvantage
that its points to words not senses in other language. Alternative Abstract
Wikipedia can have own sense list with idents but how to lik with

Graph: should be possibility to create text in many/all laguages. For
example in English is “I saw”, in Polish “widziałemwidziałam” – Polish need
gender, in Abstract form should be gender of verb, even though some
languages not uses it.

Senses dictionary can grow gradually with abstract text. If I edit abstract
text, editor should enforce me add word with senses to dictionary if not
exists and enable me to add new sense if not exists.

Is neede:

abstract text = corpus

growing dictionary of senses

growing senses to national language senses dictionary

possibly link with Wiktionaries

Best regards,

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