*Ten* years ago I'd respond to this by saying that it should be on OmegaWiki.

*Five* years ago I'd respond to this by saying that in several editions of Wiktionary there are templates and modules that display conjugations and declensions, and that these templates should be rewritten in a more unified way. (For examples, see https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cantar , a verb in several Romance languages, and examine the transcluded templates.)

*One* year ago I'd respond to this by saying that Wikidata Lexeme should have a framework for doing this in a way that works for every language, and that these templates and modules from Wiktionaries should be rewritten upon this framework.

Now... I'm not sure. I still think that Wikidata Lexeme is probably a generally better place for such a framework, but perhaps the code for the actual string manipulation could live on Wikilambda?.. I really don't know. But yes, it's relevant and a good solution for this is necessary. In 2016, I hoped that by 2020 it would already be a part of Wikidata Lexeme, but it hasn't happened yet. There are *forms* on Wikidata Lexeme, but they are either added manually or by bots, and this is not optimal. It should be more dynamic.

Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
‪“We're living in pieces,
I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore‬

‫בתאריך יום ד׳, 22 ביולי 2020 ב-10:01 מאת ‪Adam Sobieski‬‏ <‪adamsobieski@hotmail.com‬‏>:‬

Louis indicated that we should consider modeling and approaches encompassing the features of all languages [1].


Factors that affect verb conjugation are numerous and we can envision a verb conjugation function which gathers these factors together from across languages, a function resembling:


conjugate(language, stem, person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, voice, formality, clusivity, transitivity, valency, evidentiality)


The following example utilizes a Context parameter as we haven’t yet discussed global variables. The following example uses a “::” syntax for enums. The following example shows that, with multilingual conjugation and declension functions, we could encapsulate multilingual conjugation and declension in language-specific convenience functions, perhaps resembling:


kick<T>(Context context, Noun agent, Noun patient)


  join(" ", [


    context.conjugate("en-US", "kick", person::second, agent.number, agent.gender, T, aspect::perfective, mood::indicative, voice::active, context.formality, clusivity::no, transitivity::transitive, valency::transitive, context.evidentiality),






and, as expected:


kick<tense::past>(context, Bobby, ball) would produce: “Bobby kicked the ball”.


It appears that there are a multitude of ways to approach implementing NLG-related Wikilambda functions. Conjugation and declension functions could be components of some approaches.


What do you think about conjugation and declension functions?



Best regards,



[1] https://wals.info/


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