Hi Denny,

while a lot of functions make sense while we stay in the software realm, I'll note again that the ones concerning language have way too simplified signature to fullfil their role.

For example
* plural: English noun ➝ string
is gonna work as a pure function if and only if every irregular plural forms of English (stuff like man/men) are hardcoded into the function itself; and I think we all agree that's not a good engineering practice.
* plural: English noun, Dictionary<string, string> ➝ string
would be a more appropriate signature here, conceptually a least. In reality, data will be pulled from Wikidata (if I'm not mistaken), which mean the function has side effect and is not pure. It seems the problematic of access to the data layer (whatever it is) is underspecified.

I think it would be better to remove language generation signatures for the time being to not give the impression the problem space is trivially solvable by a function or two.

Best regards,
Louis Lecailliez

De : Abstract-Wikipedia <abstract-wikipedia-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org> de la part de Denny Vrandečić <dvrandecic@wikimedia.org>
Envoyé : mercredi 22 juillet 2020 14:30
À : Abstract Wikipedia list <abstract-wikipedia@lists.wikimedia.org>
Objet : [Abstract-wikipedia] A few examples of functions
Hello all,

I made a draft of possible function examples. I am not saying all of these are useful, or we will have these, or that these are the right signatures for the suggested functions, but this is more to illustrate the possible scope of the project we are aiming for.


Feel free to add, discuss, improve.

Stay safe,