

The early mock-ups are looking good and are helpful.


Brainstorming, what do you think about:


  1. generic programming (including where generic parameters could be more than type parameters, resembling templates)?
  2. passing functions as arguments and/or generic arguments?


For example, we could express:


kick<T>(Actor, Object)


  join(" ", [Actor, T(kick), "the", Object])





kick<past>(Bobby, ball) could return “Bobby kicked the ball”

kick<future>(Bobby, ball) could return “Bobby will kick the ball”



Best regards,



From: Denny Vrandeèiæ
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 10:43 AM
To: Abstract Wikipedia list
Subject: [Abstract-wikipedia] A few early mock-ups


Hello all,


I put a few early mock-ups on the wiki. It might be helpful to understand where we are planning to go. Also, I am not a designer, and we will have real designers go through them and there will be millions of improvements on the way, and probably also one or two complete rethinks.


So this is all very preliminary. Nothing of this is set in stone yet, it is just slideware. Comments, inspirations, and discussion is very welcome.


I plan to add more, incorporating feedback, and also to show a few workflows.


Stay safe,
