Wiki-research-l May 2012
  • 60 participants
  • 43 discussions

Fwd: [Wikitech-l] Git Office Hours - May 22nd
by Sumana Harihareswara
12 years

Are there any stats on activity of editors compared to the population?
by Piotr Konieczny
12 years

Google releases dataset linking strings and concepts
by emijrp
12 years

Re: [Wiki-research-l] Are there any stats on activity of editors compared to the population?
by Sumana Harihareswara
12 years

How to measure the impact of Wikipedia on women's related coverage beyond Wikipedia
by Laura Hale
12 years

2nd CfP: CSCW 2013
by Andrea Forte
12 years

Re: [Wiki-research-l] Revert graph tool or similar
by Ed H. Chi
12 years

Revert graph tool or similar
by Floeck, Fabian (AIFB)
12 years

CFP: #Influence12: Symposium & Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social Media
by Anatoliy Gruzd
12 years

Image dumps
by emijrp
12 years
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