Wikitech-l November 2023
  • 41 participants
  • 34 discussions

[action requested] Technical Decision-Making Retrospective Survey
by Moriel Schottlender
1 month, 1 week

Changes in schema of pagelinks tables
by Amir Sarabadani
1 month, 2 weeks

MediaWiki Insights - Fourth Monthly Email
by Birgit Müller
5 months

Open question about commit message linter rules and GItLab's merge requests
by Bryan Davis
5 months, 3 weeks

Collect telemetry (using WikimediaEvents) for a gadget
by psnbaotg
5 months, 4 weeks

Moving special page alias translations to JSON
by Abijeet Patro
6 months

+2 for Sohom Datta in mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage
by Sohom Datta
6 months

User style to reduce Gerritbot comments on Phabricator
by Bartosz Dziewoński
6 months

The login intersite mechanism is broken for the last 48 hours.
by Igal Khitron
6 months

[IMPORTANT] Grid Engine Shutdown Timeline
by Seyram Komla Sapaty
6 months
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