Brion Vibber wrote:
MinuteElectron wrote:
A few months ago in r29725 Domas introduced a "shortcut" that bypassed the userCan hook when $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = true; as a performance enhancement. This circumvented any further logic inside the userCan hook that may apply read restriction so I reverted it (it had broke an extension -- and possibly others, made the behavior of the hook unintuitive, wasn't documented, etc.). Apparently (according to Domas) he had asked both Tim and Brion about it and they agreed upon it, so he reverted it back.
The order of permissions configurations in MediaWiki's security model goes from 'deny' to 'allow'.
That is, a general setting of 'allow' will shortcut anything else, because the blanket permission will always apply.
A general setting 'deny' means that further, finer-grained checks can be done to see if another group or per-user permission will activate the 'allow'.
Now, if LockDown is following that model -- denying all access by default, then allowing access conditionally -- then as far as I know it should work just fine. This means that you need to set the default restrictions correctly in $wgGroupPermissions.
If it's not -- say by allowing all access by default, then trying to deny it conditionally -- then indeed it will break. By not following MediaWiki's security model, you end up with unexpected behavior. If this is the case, then LockDown should be fixed to follow MediaWiki's permission model correctly.
- -- brion vibber (brion @
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Wikitech-l mailing list
I have tried to correct Lockdown to being compatible with this model. I haved to let Lockdown grant access of specific group, which change a little the initial "philosophy" of the extension. To work with 1.12 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] need to be set to false in LocalSettings.php
I'm not a php developper (don't know the language and don't know the api of mediawiki) so this has to be tested and certainly contains mistake. Don't use this in production !!! Please take a look at this and let me know the issues/mistakes.
P.S : Someone can contact the inital author of Lockdown, Daniel Kinzler alias Duesentrieb, i dont have found his email. I would like to propose him the patch.