Hello everybody.<br><br>I've found that in WS:ca it's possible to create pages within the "Page" namespace(?) as in WS:en or in WS:fr. One example is :ca:Page:ConstitucionsCatalanesVolumIr.jpg, which takes a digitalization from Commons. There is a header, a body and a footer, and the image zooms as the mouse passes over. But it doesn't exist a Page namespace on WS:ca.<br><br>Is this a bug? Why this behavior is not present on WS:es or WS:it (no page namespace, nor "Page" functionality? Why/Who/when/how it was activated on WS:ca? Should there exist an "official announcement"? And if so, should be meta or oldwikisource or local WS the best place to announce it (this present list is not as accessible as Scriptoriums are)? Where can I find more info on the behavior of "Page" pages? Am I doing too much questions;)?<br><br>Thanks you all,<br>A.Įlvarez<br>"Aleator" from catalan WS<br><br>(PS: I write in english with the hope that all of you will understand it)<br><br><p> 
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