<P>First off, in regards to whether anglicization (or rather americinization) is dumbing down...why yes it is. As we all know, the biggest argument against using more foreign names for foreign objects is, "Oh, but its soooooo confusing". </P>
<P>As for me apoligizing for my past actions and changing my behavior before I am banned, I would like to state that I am guilty of heresy and I did not vote for the rules or the king and I think every person should have free will, choice, and speech. I also am opposed to racism and genocide and I believe wikipedia should strive to be very very very unamerican culture friendly, especially in this era of militant anti-americanism. </P>
<P>I demand that the authoritarians recognize the value of other cultures and languages and that while a german katze is most certainly a cat, Dumkopfmeyerstrasse is never Dumbheadmeyerstreet, no matter how many americans say otherwise, unless the local inhabitants decide that the americans are right and go and change the street signs. </P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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