[Wikipedia-l] Volapük Wikipedia is the 15th largest?

Sabine Cretella sabine_cretella at yahoo.it
Fri Oct 12 14:26:50 UTC 2007

User 32X schrieb:
> Hello,
> Sabine Cretella schrieb:
>> Francis Tyers schrieb:
>>> Machine translation has a useful, and under-used place to play in the
>>> development of smaller Wikipedias.
>> I completely agree to this statement :-)
> You overestimate the power of machine translation.
> I've just translated http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbin
> with Babelfish into German, if I wouldn't already know
> what that article is about, I wouldn't have known it after
> reading the German "translation".
Try to translate from Spanish to Catalan using Apertium

and then ask a Catalan Speaker what he thinks ...

Babelfish is pure crap - they don't even know what machine translation 
means IMHO.

Apertium is programmed to translate from only one language to only one 
other language - for each language pair it follows very specific rules.

Also have a look at the Cherokee wikipedia  ... Jeff really did an 
amazing job in machine translation from English to Cherokee (I have it 
confirmed also by other people - I don't speak or understand Cherokee 

Cheers, Sabine

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