[Wikipedia-l] Be-x-old

Alexander Cajcyc czalex at bk.ru
Fri Mar 30 12:54:29 UTC 2007

Hi everybody

I agree with Gerard that we must not deepen the conflict and hould find a solution that would satisfy all of us.

Are we all, no matter the orthography, interested in the representation of Belarusian language in Wikipedia and in the usage of this tool for the sake of all Belarusian speakers no matter whether they prefer the classical orthography or the official one? Yes, we all are. So let's find some compromise.

I propose to leave the official orthography wikipedia where it is now, OK.

But you just CAN'T allow the 6000 classical Belarusian Wiki articles to get lost! The fact that the Belarusian Wiki was created as a Wiki in Taraskievica is a illustrative example to that the classical orthography has an important place in Belarus now, especially amoung people who really DO speak the language on an every-day basis, while you can even see that most forum conversations in the official-orthography Wikipedia are being hold in... Russian [what is not bad itself].

So an ideal solution would be to rename be-x-old.wikipedia.org to, e.g., be-classic.wikipedia.org or bel.wikipedia.org and to open it for editing so that it could coutinue its effective functioning.



-----Original Message-----
From: GerardM <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com>
To: wikipedia-l at lists.wikimedia.org
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 14:23:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-l] Be-x-old

> Hoi,
> Please consider that if you have an option to work together, that you have
> to talk. That you have to give and take. That you will always feel that you
> give more than what you get.
> There are two groups of people who have fought each other in a space where
> such fights are not appreciated. Assertions have been made  about "your"
> language, "your" orthography, by trash talking the "other" language /
> orthography. You do not get any sympathy in this way. When you want to
> achieve something, it will be more beneficial to be seen to cooperate and to
> find some coexistence.
> When this coexistence is hard to get because of the enmity that has been
> created in the past, it only means that you will have to give even more.
> Thanks,
>     Gerard
> On 3/30/07, Monk <monkbel at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > How can anybody say that Yury Tarasievich and his project is about
> > language, not about politics, after such a letter? No facts, just
> > insults and speculations.
> >
> > > You are an entity, yes, set out to destroy the existing Belarusian
> > > language and culture and replace it with your version -- okay, your
> > > right. But get yourself your own blessed language code for that.
> > This speculation with such aggressive words doesn't help your case, it
> > can only make your case worse. I don't even hope any more that you
> > understand that your outrageous insults are absurd. You just dig a pit
> > for yourself by your own hands.
> >
> > > P.S.
> > > Some years ago I witnessed a creation of one of such sites you call
> > > "proofs". So, there was 1 tech and 1 editor, who re-edited everything
> > > incoming (like 90+% or even 99% in standard Belarusian and Russian)
> > > into his flavour of "classic". It was politics. Thousands pages (and I
> > > mean real thousands, there was sort of 4800 or so) of pages. And...
> > > grant money. I could add -- near to zero interest, excepting the
> > > indexing bots.
> > Another great example of lies. Where could they get any incoming in
> > "norm" if people just don't write in it?
> >
> > Monk.
> >
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