[Wikipedia-l] Be-x-old

Yury Tarasievich yury.tarasievich at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 06:14:22 UTC 2007

On 30/03/07, Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com> wrote:
> > You are an entity, yes, set out to destroy the existing Belarusian
> > language and culture and replace it with your version -- okay, your
> > right. But get yourself your own blessed language code for that.
> Now, now. They may hate you because they think you're communists or
> evil or whatever, but still, I wouldn't say they're out to _destroy
> the existing Belarusian language and culture_. They just want to
> modify it.

Well, just think one logical step more and realise what would *really*
mean such *hypothetical* modification -- everything kicked back to
square one. 50 years of development (and I'm talking bare agreed
minimum here, it's more like 70-75 of continuity) virtually cancelled.
Popular reputation of language down the drain, for if one group of
trouble-makers could impose their particular "vision", why not
another? Why bother when Russian is so *sufficient*?

With revolutions and world wars and empire falls, the stability is at
real premium here, but no, it's just ought to be some "real thing" and
devil take all dissenters. They and only they know what the "real"
language is, and everybody "ought" to talk it. Cooperation they want,
my foot.

Anyway, that's what their spiritual leaders write openly: "This Soviet
deviation blah blah must die, so that the real one could be
reinstated". I'm not naming names right now but I keep those articles.

Sorry folks, flew off the handle a bit.

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