[Wikipedia-l] Be-x-old (was New language)

Berto 'd Sera albertoserra at ukr.net
Tue Mar 27 16:18:28 UTC 2007


Obviously not :) If and when they will be sent to us for a recommendation
the answer will be "rename it according to standard". But they do not have
any "trademark war" going on so chances are we'll never get to write
recommendations on that issue.

I understand that this is not the most relaxed moment in your life. Yet, you
perfectly know that if be-x-old problems had limited to the way in which the
code is spelt the issue would never have reached LangCom. 

If you guys had solved your problems in peace at internal level nobody would
have had spent their time on this issue. It did not happen and now your
problems are going to be solved by external parties. You had your chance and
you had it for years. Sorry.

Berto 'd Sera
Personagi dl'ann 2006 per l'arvista american-a Time (tanme tuti vojaotri)

-----Original Message-----
From: wikipedia-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org
[mailto:wikipedia-l-bounces at lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Eugene Zelenko
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 7:01 PM
To: wikipedia-l at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-l] Be-x-old (was New language)


Just for self-education... Are all Chinese language suffixes (zh-...)

Thank you,

On 3/27/07, Berto 'd Sera <albertoserra at ukr.net> wrote:
> Hoi!
> As per not communicating the swap you are absolutely right and I excuse
> myself personally. I know it won't help much but as you can understand
> is not "everyday business" and we have no standard procedure to manage
> events. Yet I read Byelorussian and it should have been my own
> responsibility to reach you and inform you. I did not do it and I
> excuse myself for that.
> Feel free to contact me personally at any time for any possible problem,
> can write in Russian if it makes things easier. I will have to answer in
> English only if the answer has to be notified to LangCom, as I'm the only
> Russian speaker in LangCom and a Cyrillic answer would not be of any use
> the other members.
> Now to the answers: the domain is being setup by Brion these days, AFAIK
> there are a few minor technical problems, but that's all. It should be up
> very quickly.
> Domain names are not "fabricated" on community demand; they follow an
> international ISO standard. The X part means it's a private code that has
> value for wmf only (it's a standard, too). Under the current rules the
> should be simply shutdown, since it does not have an ISO code.
> The Board decided to delegate an ad hoc Committee for this kind of
> and IMHO that's a good warranty for everyone. In the meantime we decided
> to have any particular descriptive code for the old Byelorussian edition,
> since it would have implied some kind of political recognition, which is
> what wmf is about.
> If in the future your linguistic flavor will obtain a valid ISO code we
> be glad to adopt it just as we adopt any other internationally recognized
> code, but we are not willing to issue ANY code on our own. This is a final
> decision.
> DISCLAIMER: this is my personal POV and NOT a collective statement from
> LangCom.
> Berto 'd Sera
> Personagi dl'ann 2006 per l'arvista american-a Time (tanme tuti vojaotri)
> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1569514,00.html

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