[Wikipedia-l] Notability changes from Jimbo's view

Ian Tresman it at knowledge.co.uk
Mon Mar 12 12:08:53 UTC 2007

At 12:03 12/03/2007, you wrote:
>On 11/03/07, GerardM <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > everything is measured. Worthiness is this new word created by the American
> > television guy and it means whatever you make it.
>You are thinking of "truthiness". Worthiness is a well-established
>English word, I don't know how long its history is but I am guessing
>it extends back well before the history of television.

The Oxford English Dictionary indeed lists "Thruthiness", redirecting 
to "Truthy" described as " Characterized by truth; truthful, true. 
Hence "truthiness, truthfulness, faithfulness.".

Ian Tresman

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