[Wikipedia-l] German wikipedia to be printed - where's the stable version feature?

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 27 13:08:01 UTC 2006

--- Magnus Manske <magnus.manske at web.de> wrote:
> Some of you might have notices a slight problem with this - there is no
> stable version feature in Wikipedia. As usual, we have discussed a lot
> about the stable version (which is good), and AFAIK most people agreed
> that it won't do much harm, depending which version is presented (I'd
> consider that consensus, provided we still show the current version
> first), and then, in good tradition, did - nothing.
> As I said time and again, I don't care if it's my stable version
> extension, or Tim Starling's, or one donated by a merciful god, but we
> should *use* one, on every wikipedia that wants it. And /soon/. Like
> now. Or next week. There's nothing left to discuss, except repeating old
> arguments over again.

I agree. Let’s get on with it. The only thing we were arguing about is what version to show by
default to anons. If we simply do as we do now - show the most current one - then I agree that we
have a consensus. A print version is exactly the type of thing that a stable version should
support. I’d also like the foundation or a subsidiary to run a mirror with GoogleAds that hosted
stable versions and which the current Wikipedia versions linked to (all revenue would support the
foundation’s charitable mission and projects ; including Wikipedia). But that can wait a bit. 

-- mav

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