[Wikipedia-l] An outsider's view on en-admin-only whatever and the rest

Alphax (Wikipedia email) alphasigmax at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 03:22:38 UTC 2006

Kat Walsh wrote:
> On 1/26/06, sannse <sannse at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>>Alphax (Wikipedia email) wrote:
>>>sannse wrote:
>>>>I think that something needs to be done to bring the two versions
>>>>together.  It seems clear that people are writing to helpdesk-l,
>>>>thinking that they are writing to the "site owner's" email address, and
>>>>asking questions that would be better answered officially.  And there
>>>>are plenty of mails on OTRS that could be better answered by a general
>>>>help desk.
>>>>The only way I can see of bringing them together is on OTRS.  Perhaps
>>>>with two queues, one official mail and one helpdesk.
>>>>I don't know, but I do think it's something we should look at.
>>>Unfortunately there will always be people who use the wrong one.
>>Yes, but with OTRS it is easy to switch email from one queue to another.
>>  If there were clear guidelines as to what goes in which queue, then it
>>wouldn't be a problem that some mail initially got in the wrong queue.
>>Or we could have one big queue - with both addresses leading there (and
>>/many/ more helpers on it!)
> I like the idea of using the ticket system for both addresses: grant
> access liberally to the helpdesk queue (anyone interested and
> reasonably clued) while having a smaller crew of people to answer the
> mail that really must be handled carefully and discreetly
> (confidential concerns, potential media blowups, etc.), to be easily
> moved back and forth. I don't think helpdesk-l works as is, as it's
> difficult to keep track of messages, and the boilerplate responses are
> a *big* help answering mail in OTRS. (You can see these at
> <http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/OTRS/en> - it's amazing how much of
> the mail we get is people applying to our university or wishing to
> email celebrities.)
> The possible benefits of having the helpdesk as a list -- many
> experienced eyes all looking at one question, openness, easy signup,
> etc. -- are negated by the sheer volume of the list, dearth of regular
> volunteers, and the fact that many people are confused about the
> difference between sending to the private info address and to a public
> mailing list -- I don't think anyone anticipated the sheer volume of
> it when it was created.

I support this idea. How soon before we can change helpdesk-l to an OTRS
queue (oh, and maybe call it helpesk and have helpdesk-l forward there...)?

Completely burned out,
Alphax - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Alphax
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"We make the internet not suck" - Jimbo Wales
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