[Wikipedia-l] This is a 'first-timer' - should I havemissunderstoodsomehting then please have mercy for me

Michael Laudahn ml at worldimprover.net
Mon Jan 23 12:01:10 UTC 2006

Would you believe it - another german 'fuzzy'

'I don't know anything about this case/whatever and I don't want to
engage in this matter however your logic sounds strange to me':

What kind of contribution is this intended to be? The case is described in
the thread opener. If you are unwilling to read it, why do you write in
then? Can your commentary under these circumstances be other than rant?

'As this is obviously a matter of the german Wikipedia, why shouldn't
people of dewp be allowed to state their point?'

You would be more than welcome to participate in a discussion that deserves
this name. If you, however, continue - and systematically so - to avoid the
real question, then you show that something is wrong with you: Either you
are unable to, or you prefer not to understand (for whatever reasons).

'And, if you say (I didn't look into this one either), that the normal
processes for such a matter in dewp did not work and now your post should be
a kind of appeal to international Wikipedia Community, why shouldn't
dewp-people be allowed to defend their point of view?'

If you only did so. You haven't even started to plead your case. Instead, 
you continue insisting that there isn't one.

The issue again, and in a nutshell: Why is it not possible on german
Wikipedia pages describing people or institutions to insert something that
is usual on correspondent anglo-saxon Wikipedia pages: i e a section that
lists not only 'neutral' (?) and acclaiming websites, but also such that are
critical? I had given an example for that in the thread opener.

I have described everything very clearly and in all necessary details in
that first, slightly extended but almost complete contribution. You would
be very well advised to take five minutes of your precious time and read 
this text, trying to follow the clear logic exposed there.

International readers: Read the contributions from germans *) in this
thread, and you'll understand why german society is 'kaputt', and why it
apparently cannot be repaired. The german legal system does its part to keep
things in their sad state, cf http://worldimprover.net/EN/en4.html , so the
'elite' of the political-juridical complex **) can continue their parasite
existence at the expense of the german public.

'dewp-user but quite neutral in this case':

What are you tryin to insinuate? You are active enough to be a member of 
this list, so are probably more than just a 'user'. I would consider you 
part of the german Wikipedia structure. As such, you cannot be neutral, as 
experience has shown. Wikipedia has become a power instrument, and it is 
treated like that, at least in Germany.

*) I was born there, and german is my mother tongue. Still, due to my
extended polyglot and worldwide CV (cf
http://worldimprover.net/EN/en8.html ) I ask myseld if I should consider
myself a member of that nation anymore - at least not a typical one.

**) Remeber the defunct Soviet Union's military-industrial complex, which
destroyed the country? Is something similar happening to Germany through its

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