[Wikipedia-l] This is a 'first-timer' - should I have missunderstood somehting then please have mercy for me

Michael Laudahn ml at worldimprover.net
Sun Jan 22 15:54:51 UTC 2006

Hi out there

I hope someone can hear me? Alright, let's give it a try.

My name is the one shown in the address. You can learn a little more about
me and my a slightly less than ordinary life at

http://worldimprover.net/EN/en8.html (short text, translated by a native
speaker), if you like.

After having read the text, you will have learned that I am a german
national. As such, and with my polyglot and international background, I am
very concerned about the situation in Germany, i e the situation of
'democracy' and the 'constitutional state'. For those interested, there is a
page dealing with that issue on my website:

http://worldimprover.net/EN/en4.html .

For those who prefer to skip it, let me put it short: There is ample
evidence that the two exist on paper only. Reality is totally different.
Proof? Just enter 'rechtsmissbrauch' (= abuse of law) into a search engine
and be bewildered by the huge number of responses. I was naive enough
earlier in my life to believe in this lie, and consequently my life has
been - maybe not destroyed, but totally changed from what I had expected it
to be. I have therefore decided to dedicate the rest of my life to fight
'german conditions'. And I'm getting better, it seems: There is lots of
irrefutable evidence for that I've been in the secret services' focus for

Okay, now what has this got to do with Wikipedia. I found that comtempo
persons and organisations have discovered that Wikipedia is a fabulous
free-of-charge PR medium. I e, as long as the text there fits their needs.
And german Wikipedia entries (= those behind them) seem to have developped a
system that makes sure that just this happens. Let me give you two examples:

There is the self-proclaimed human-rights movement Humanistische Union,

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanistische_Union .

I myself have made the experience that they - i e their number two manager
(a lawyer) - are not interested in human-rights cases, if german nationals
and ditto state agencies are involved. It appears that human rights are
there for foreign asylum seekers only. I've added a page to my website,

http://worldimprover.net/DE/de4_2.html ,

where the correspondence in my case with that HU personality is published.

A similar case is MP Hans-Christian Stroebele, cf

http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Str%C3%B6bele .

His scam is to always 'play folksy', see the photo of Stroebele on his
'famous bike' on that same page. I presented him my case as well, and the
only reaction was that he rid me off, shyster-style. Also this
correspondence can be found on my website, at

http://worldimprover.net/DE/de4_3.html .

My detailed statistics show me that these pages are amongst the
best-visited of my website, and continue to be. People appear to be
interested in the truth about such people, not their pre-fabricated myths.

So my next thought was: If their Wikipedia entries are super-naturally good,
then some counter-balance couldn't hurt, to put things back in the right
scale. So I added a link to my pages 4.2 and 4.3, down on their Wikipedia
pages, under their link collections. They didn't manage to survive there
very long. Especially in the case of Stroebele, there seems to be an eager
monitor present who makes sure nothing negative gets known about his master.
When making further inquiries, I found that both this censor and his mentor
are in the same political party, the 'Greens'. The only difference is that
Stroebele is nearing the end of his career, for age reasons, while his
protege is a student, in his early twenties - some sponsoring of an elder
politician won't hurt, if you're eager to climb the political ladder, I

By the way, I have found in the meantime that my thought - of adding a
counter-balance link - probably isn't so exotic: Just go to

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald  ,

and you will see that they have added a chapter 'criticisms of XY's work'.
I'd say, this is the same concept - isn't it?

Now, in case your next thought is to advise me to go through the national
mediation procedure established by Wikipedia, then my answer is: I've tried
that, and the outcome was almost predictable. Although I was dealing with
several people, they all said almost exactly the same - just as if they
previously had agreed upon this method. And I'm almost sure they have, for
this is the way the german society (mal-) functions. When someone has
reached a post, he allies with the others that have got one, and then they
start to make their private 'regulars table policies' (translation of german
term 'stammtischpolitik' - alluding at the habit of 'making politics' when
sitting together in the guesthouse drinking beer) at the expense of the
rest. This is probably the principal reason why Germany is more and more
becoming a corrupt banana republic - and a highly technicized one, thus an
Orwell-type nightmare for every critical mind.

Now what can we do in this situation? I have heard 'foreigners' say that the
majority of germans aren't quite grown-up. And I think I would agree with
them. If we now assume that we are dealing with this kind of people also in
the german Wikipedia section, wouldn't the only cure be a kind of
'occupational force' that revises their structures, schools them in how to
do their work properly and then monitors their day-to-day activies for a
while? Also, it might suggest itself to establish a complaint line, in case
these people later - when on their own again - suffer from a relapse into
old acting patterns. After all, even if you manage to change them, the
society remains as such. And that will continue to have its repercussions.

I think this should have given you the picture. If you think I ought to add
or clarify anything, please let me know. Otherwise, I'm really curious to
see what comes out of this.



Mehr info? Siehe
http://worldimprover.net/ und http://es-reicht.org/

Michael Laudahn
Postfach 6829
CH-8050 Zürich    (nur sporadische zustellung - nicht für

tel:             nicht öffentlich
fax:            +41 (0)44 274 2845
epost:         ml at worldimprover.net


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