[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

fallout at lexx.eu.org fallout at lexx.eu.org
Mon Jan 9 02:57:46 UTC 2006

> Moreover, they speak culturally and liguistically 3 different languages
>  and it's sometimes hard for me to understand what Bosnians or Croats
> are  saying just because of the diversity (I'm a Serb, by the way).

Ask Americans if they understand all Britons without any difficulty...

> As I said on IRC, you're very wrong. I'm sorry to break it to you this
> way, but Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian ARE different languages, albeit
> mutually intelligible.

Isn't not being mutually intelligible the most important distinction
between a language and a dialect (aside from having an army...)?

> And the political conotation is way too big to neglect. People have
> chosen to have separate wikipedias: just look at the growth of the
> three  in comparison to the "united one" (which is basically a fork).
> The three  didn't come out of the SH for no reason.

So if a war broke out between two English-speaking countries or if we were
just after such a war, we should divide English Wikipedia?


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