[Wikipedia-l] Allow multiple entries for one topic

Alphax (Wikipedia email) alphasigmax at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 11:56:41 UTC 2006

Troas wrote:
> Dear all, 
> Inspired by the article about Wikipedia in Nature, I have recently made some
> contributions to Wikipedia in my field of expertise. Based on this
> experience with Wikipedia, I would like to suggest a change to the structure
> of Wikipedia. I'm not sure whether my suggestion has been discussed
> previously. I have scanned e-mails in the list from the last months and
> couldn't find anything related, but apologize if I simply reiterate an older
> discussion. 
> Here's my suggestion: Allow multiple entries for one topic. 

You seem lost; perhaps you were looking for http://wikinfo.org/ ?

Alphax - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Alphax
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