[Wikipedia-l] Lingala Wikipedia

Traroth traroth at yahoo.fr
Thu Sep 8 08:27:05 UTC 2005

I don't know what can be done as long as no lingala
speaking people contribute to this wikipedia. Remove
articles in french and english is a solution to the
"purity" problem of this wp, but with the risk to
discourage the few participants (and it's not a
solution for the real problem : only 107 articles on
this wp). Actually the question is: What is the
purpose here ? How to improve the dynamism of this wp


--- Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I would like to draw your attention to the Lingala
> Wikipedia 
> http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/
> As you can see, the interface is not just in
> Lingala, but rather there
> is a slash after the Lingala rendering of each
> message, followed by a
> translation into French.
> Now, while I don't think it's a good thing, I would
> grudgingly accept
> the fact if it were real Lingala-speaking people who
> were responsible,
> however:
> Most of it is the work of
> http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Moyogo and
> http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Bombo .
> Moyogo lists his/her level of Lingala as "ln-1" -- a
> basic command of
> Lingala, while Bombo lists his/her level of Lingala
> as "ln-0" --
> cannot understand Lingala.
> Now that in itself seems like an issue to me, but
> there is more:
> There are quite a few very long pages on ln.wiki,
> HOWEVER nearly all
> of them are written ENTIRELY in French, or with only
> a sentence
> translated.
> Some of the longest:
> http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swisi -- actually
> entirely in English, not French
> --
> only page title translated, entire article is in
> French
> http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217 -- again,
> entirely in English
> --
> in Lingala, but is a verbatim copy of the UDHR
> --
> entirely in French
> -- entirely in English
> http://ln.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litaue -- actually in
> Dutch (!)
> Now, even if the interface in French is really a
> nessecity, it can be
> accessed from "preferences" where one may choose a
> non-default
> interface language.
> The French and English articles I listed above are
> only the beginning.
> I excluded the few which were partly translated, and
> obviously those
> few which were 100% Lingala.
> I think the question we should be asking ourselves
> is : what will
> somebody in Kinshasa think coming across this
> website? It claims to be
> the Lingala version of Wikipedia, but the interface
> is bilingual, and
> most of the articles are in French. It will be of
> little to no help to
> a monolingual Lingala speaker.
> I don't know what action needs to be taken, but I'm
> pretty sure that
> something should be done.
> The main reasons that this is different from mi.wiki
> (uses lots of
> English) and na.wiki (uses lots of English as well)
> are that:
> 1) interface messages are bilingual or not
> translated, unlike the
> other two where they are either fully translated, or
> not;
> 2) most pages are in English or French, unlike the
> other two where
> most pages are in the right language, even if that
> means they're
> substubs;
> 2) when confronted about these facts by an anonymous
> user, the
> administrators stated that it's important that
> French is in the
> interface because most of the contributors have poor
> Lingala. Keep in
> mind that there are only 3 active contributors, one
> of whom seems to
> speak pretty good Lingala.
> Mark
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