[Wikipedia-l] North Frisian wikipedia - arbitrary mention

Wouter Steenbeek musiqolog at hotmail.com
Tue May 10 08:19:03 UTC 2005

>Whatever success you have had, you have not indicated.
>I know from experience that if people are serious, they will be
>willing to work on it right away - the people who say "I may work on
>it someday" or "I will work on it after so-and-so date" are the people
>who end up never helping.
>Regardless of who speaks it, it has been much longer than "one week",
>and there has been 0 signs of activity. I don't expect a
>thousand-article Wikipedia, but I think the community expects some
>measure of success (at least 10 or so good articles by native
>speakers) or at least one on-list endorsement by a fluent speaker (if
>you have more than one, people will listen more).
>It has been a long time. I think - and I'm sure the community agrees,
>or feels more strict than do I - that you should withhold a request
>for a North Frisian Wikipedia until you can meet at least one of the
>things I've outlined above.
>If these people are motivated, you should be able to get them to
>support your Seeltersk request on-list, or add content to the test WP.

I am talking about elderly people, who are -thank God- connected to the 
internet, but read no English (yes, you're reading it rightly!) and have no 
experience with wikis or whatsoever. So I have to translate the interface 
and other structure files and explain how how it all works before they can 
show their existence on wikimedia at all.


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