[Wikipedia-l] Wikimedia projects in Papiamentu en Sranang Tongo

Huikeshoven, A.H. AHuikeshoven at MINSZW.NL
Wed Mar 30 14:47:26 UTC 2005

The Dutch are progressing in creating a chapter of the Wikimedia
Foundation. A Wiki-site to support the initiative is live for a week now
at http://nl.wikimedia.org/ The domain wikimedia.nl has been squatted by
Sam van Buuren on January 25th, 2005. We'll have to reclaim that.

The Netherlands Antilles are still a country of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands (as is Aruba). Their official language is Papiamentu,
ISO-639 code is PAP. Surinam is a former colony of the Netherlands. Half
their population is living in the Netherlands. Their tongue is Sranang
Tongo, ISO-639 code presumed to be SRN. The Dutch Wikimedia chapter to
be incorporated will have as mission to support all projects run by
people in the Netherlands regardless of language. Frysian and Limurgian
projects (fy and li) have already been started. There are no projects in
Papiamentu or Sranang Tongo yet.

We would like to establish an initial framework for these two languages
to provide a head start to these communities. Waerth pushed me to take
the first step.



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