[Wikipedia-l] Redirect terms

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 22:56:35 UTC 2005

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 23:40:03 +0100, Arwel Parry
<arwel at cartref.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> After spending five hours straightening out cy.wikipedia today, Deb and
> I were wondering if it would be worthwhile / possible to remove the
> #redirect command in English, so that potential non-Welsh-speaking
> vandals would at least have to learn what the Welsh for "redirect"
> actually is before they try to screw up the database.

As we're talking about #redirect translations - could someone give me
the Icelandic, Rusian, Serbian and Tatar forms? And as I'm at it, the
{{PAGENAME}} for Bulgarian, Icelandic, Russian and Tatar too? I tried
to get them from CVS, but I don't get the Unicode en/decoded

Andre Engels

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