[Wikipedia-l] Re:WikiIndex (idea)

Marc O'Morain marc.omorain at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 13:20:05 UTC 2005

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 21:28:27 +1000, Craig Franklin <craig at halo-17.net> wrote:

> There's little point in
> doing searches on "Author" if only 20% of the authors in the database are
> tagged as such.  How we can quickly go through a half-million articles
> quickly and tag them is beyond me.

There are loads of pages of 'Lists of Authors' 'List of Jews' and such
- it would be very easy to write a little perl script, that takes the
URL of list and an attribute, and tags them all.

So, given "List of Irish Poets" and [[Category:Irish]] and
[[Category:Poet]], it could very quickly tag all the pages in the

Marc O'Morain

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