[Wikipedia-l] Saterlandic Frisian Wikipedia + thoughts on small language wikipedias in general

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 15:48:06 UTC 2005

Boris Lohnzweiger wrote:

> But what is an encyclopia supposed to be? Me, I think any encyclopedia
 > - printed or online - should serve as a  _comprehensive_and_reliable_
 > source of information. Otherwhise it's useless. Imagine you go about
 > looking up something in a printed encyclopedia only to find out it lacks
 > some article it definetly ought to contain. I'd probably throw that book
 > into the nearest trash can. Now how many articles does an encyclopedia
 > need to be useful for the reader? I suppose the world's most renowned
 > encyclopedias all contain 100,000+ articles. More compact versions do
 > exist, but I seriously doubt that any book with less than 10,000 articles
 > could ever provide a useful amount of information from all fields of
 > knowledge.

To this end, you might like to look at:

[[:meta:List of articles all languages should have]]
[[:simple:List of articles all languages should have]]

These are lists of a thousand or so articles that someone wanting to set
up a new Wikipedia can use as a start to fill out their encyclopedia.

- d.

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