[Wikipedia-l] Saterlandic Frisian Wikipedia

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Sun Mar 6 21:47:24 UTC 2005

The most respected Mr. Mark Williamson wrote:

> I once had an idea, that we could set up a Hopi Wikipedia, and then
> work on promotion of it on Hopi, get elders and teenagers involved,
> try to get middle-aged people involved as well, and eventually hope
> for 90% community involvement of Hopi speakers. When such a point is
> reached, it is a virtual mirror of the real-life community, except it
> is also working towards building an encyclopaedia.

Instead of only reporting on your hopes and dreams, I wish that you
would, once each month or so, take the time to report on what you have
indeed accomplished.  Which new language Wikipedias did you succeed to
get started, and how many articles have been produced there?  So far,
I get the impression that this number is zero, and that surely must be
wrong.  So please enlighten me.

> Unfortunately I don't have the time or the resources to begin such a
> project,

But you certainly have the time to write a lot of messages on this 

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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