[Wikipedia-l] Re: Fulfulde Wikipedia [was:Request for a Wikipedia in Cebuano]

Raphael Wiegand rdb_wikipedia at gmx.de
Mon Jun 27 16:05:53 UTC 2005

Guaka schrieb:

>>Ŋ U+014A Ŋ
>>ŋ U+014B ŋ
>Somehow the ng's look like normal n's on my screen. Maybe there's
>something wrong with my font stuff, or with Debian's or XFree's in
>general. If it's just wrong for me then I can add it. Maybe _you_
>(people on this list) can let me know if it works for you, and what
>system you use...

For me it works, it looks like the IPA sign for [[en:Velar nasal]] (Win 
XP/Mozilla Thunderbird).


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