[Wikipedia-l] probably one of the most remarkable Wikipedians to date...

Carl Witty cwitty at newtonlabs.com
Thu Jun 16 23:47:32 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 01:27 +0200, guaka at no-log.org wrote:
> And now I actually want to write software for mobile phones, something like
> Tomeraider, but then Free. Not that it will run on many of the mobile phones right now
> in Mali, but it will in the near future. And I would like to have some kind of "viral"
> client thing.  Some Java client that can easily be copied to other phones in the
> neigbourhood, that can find and access a DICT server running on a phone that has
> enough memory. Maybe some of you know of another compressed hypertext format that does
> include images? I like DICT for its spead and simplicity, but it lacks images...

Have you looked at Plucker (http://plkr.org)?  As far as I can tell, the
only existing reader is for PalmOS; but it is an open, documented
format, and it does have hyperlinks and images.

(Is it actually possible to run a server on a cell phone?)

Carl Witty

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