[Wikipedia-l] The Borders of Language Variety Tolerance

Wouter Steenbeek musiqolog at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 11 20:00:35 UTC 2005

>We are currently inconsistent in our treatment of different linguistic
>situations.  I do not think this inconsistency is good, but I also do
>not think it is a grave crisis.  I am not even certain that consistency
>is desirable -- there may not be a "one size fits all" solution to this

There isn't any. Think about Norwegian (bokmaol and nynorsk), Swedish and 
Danish - they could easily be grouped as variants of one language, 
"Continental Nordic". Yet I think it would have been madness to grant them 
only one Wikipedia, certainly as all Scandinavian Wikipedias are among those 
with the best speakers-size comparision.

>Are all people who could read Zeelandic and Town Frisian also people who
>can read standard Dutch?  Then we don't *need* them for our primary
>mission, but they would be a nice thing to have as well, if it makes
>social sense for the community.  (Meaning, if there are enough people
>who want to do it, etc.)

Yes, they all can, as they learn Dutch proper only at school (and Frisian, 
for the Town Frisian speakers). But they have a certain pride of their 
languages, especially the Zealandic speakers, and I am pretty sure I can get 
some willing contributors behind a Wikipedia. (I won't even request it if my 
quest for other contributors fails!)


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