[Wikipedia-l] Re: Wikipedia spanks Encarta, Brockhaus

Lothar Kimmeringer wikipedia at kimmeringer.de
Sat Oct 2 19:55:29 UTC 2004

On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 20:41:12 +0200, Andre Engels wrote:

> I'd be interested to see this list of 66 topics and what scores the three 
> candidates got. Also - did they use the German or the English Wikipedia?

German Wikipedia as already said.

Here's the list (replicated by hand). The words are kept
in German. You should switch to a non-proportional font.

The first number in the table is the number of characters,
the second number the qualitiy (1 is not good, 5 is best,
0 means not existant).

EP: Encarta Pro
BH: Brockhaus
WP: Wikipedia

Scientific area

   Sprachspiele (easy)
                EP      4004/3
                BH     10831/4
                WP      1198/3

   kathegorischer Imperativ (medium)
                EP      3929/4
                BH       564/3
                WP      7415/5

   transzendentale Apperzeption (hard)
                EP       430/2
                BH       311/3
                WP      5178/3

   Asymtote (easy)
                EP      2093/3
                BH       796/3
                WP      2365/5
   Fibonacci-Zahlen (medium)
                EP      2446/3
                BH      2678/4
                WP      3510/4
   Banachraum (hard)
                EP         0/3    * here I'm not sure how a non-existant
                                    article can be "average"
                BH      1348/2
                WP      6911/5

   Trägheitsmoment (easy)
                EP       127/1
                BH       939/4
                WP      4996/5
   Mößbauer-Effekt (medium)
                EP      2123/2
                BH      2970/4
                WP       632/3
   Bose-Einstein-Kondensation (hard)
                EP      2567/3
                BH      8072/5
                WP      2997/4

   Massenwirkungsgesetz (easy)
                EP      2390/4
                BH       870/2
                WP      1335/5
   polyaromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (medium)
                EP      3400/5
                BH       632/1
                WP       457/2
   FTIR-Spektroskopie (hard)
                EP      1131/1
                BH       909/3
                WP       715/5

   Rorschachtest (easy)
                EP       847/5
                BH       662/5
                WP       811/2
   Elektrakomplex (medium)
                EP      2358/4
                BH       320/4
                WP       790/2
   Hawthorne-Effekt (hard)
                EP       951/4
                BH       791/4
                WP      1347/4

   Gnu (easy)
                EP      1826/5
                BH       661/2
                WP      3903/3
   genetischer Fingerabdruck (medium)
                EP      4493/3
                BH     13630/5
                WP      4837/2
   t-RNS (hard)
                EP      1073/1
                BH       886/2
                WP       762/4

Computer Science
   Algorithmus (easy)
                EP      7476/3
                BH     15441/5
                WP     15417/5
   Kryptographie (medium)
                EP     20636/4
                BH     16072/5
                WP      7494/5
   Backus-Naur-Form (hard)
                EP         0/0
                BH      4666/5
                WP      9350/5

   Hyperventilation (easy)
                EP       482/4
                BH       587/4
                WP      2073/5
   Fontanelle (medium)
                EP       348/3
                BH       519/2
                WP         0/0    * exist now
   Amygdala (hard)
                EP       230/3
                BH         0/0
                WP       376/2

   Grundmoräne (easy)
                EP       618/5
                BH       172/3
                WP       949/2
   Black Somker (medium)
                EP      3005/5
                BH       342/4
                WP      2600/5
   Epeirophorese (Kontinentalverschiebung) (hard)
                EP         0/0    * only exists with the german word
                BH      2325/5
                WP         0/5    * number of characters missing, the
                                  * article exist

   Dolby Digital (easy)
                EP         0/0
                BH      2025/5
                WP       865/4
   DVB-T (medium)
                EP      2130/2
                BH       807/3
                WP     10824/5
   photonische Netze (hard)
                EP         0/0
                BH      3997/4
                WP         0/0

Social area

Current events
   Hartz-Reform (easy) * strange definition of easy - even
                       * the bureaucrats don't understand it
                       * completely ;-)
                EP      3499/1
                BH      1837/3
                WP     17765/5
   Yukos/Jukos (medium)
                EP         0/0
                BH       829/3
                WP      5720/5
   3. Golfkrieg (insbesondere sunnitisches Dreieck) (hard)
                EP     70338/5     * wow
                BH      7766/2
                WP     30838/4

World history
   Boxeraufstand (easy)
                EP      9134/4
                BH      7572/4
                WP      9479/2
   McCarthy (medium)
                EP      3192/4
                BH       448/2
                WP      3124/3
   Philipp Scheidemann (Weimarer Republik) (hard)
                EP      2334/4
                BH      2388/5
                WP      3390/3

   Horst Köhler (easy)
                EP      3887/4
                BH       592/2
                WP      9086/5
   Vietcong (medium)
                EP     17103/4
                BH     36219/5
                WP     24768/2
   Plebiszit (hard)
                EP      7179/5
                BH       856/3
                WP      7111/3

   Bruttosozialprodukt (easy)
                EP       517/3
                BH      5440/5
                WP      1208/1
   Stagflation (medium)
                EP         0/0
                BH      5380/5
                WP      1890/3
   Leverage-Effekt (hard)
                EP         0/0
                BH       473/3
                WP       744/5

   Augustinus (easy)
                EP      9534/4
                BH     12879/5
                WP      9002/4
   Pantokrator (medium)
                EP       446/4
                BH       251/4
                WP       352/4
   Monophysiten (hard)
                EP      1600/4
                BH      1438/5
                WP      2811/4

   Rochade (easy)
                EP      1108/4
                BH       209/2
                WP      1635/5
   Eishockey: Abseitsregel (medium)
                EP       397/4
                BH         0/0
                WP       505/5
   Pauschenpferd (hard)
                EP         0/0
                BH       379/5
                WP       307/4

   Ouzo (easy)
                EP       210/4
                BH        41/3
                WP       612/5
   Schupfnudeln (medium)
                EP         0/0
                BH         0/0
                WP       704/5
   Kapaun (hard)
                EP         0/0
                BH       428/3
                WP      1547/5

Cultural area

Educating art (?)/architecture
   Bauhaus (easy)
               EP       8882/4
               BH       3959/3
               WP       9191/5
   dorisches Kapitell (medium)
               EP       3257/4
               BH       1225/3
               WP        263/4
   Sfumato (hard)
               EP        847/3
               BH       1344/3
               WP        506/3

   Alexandriner (easy)
               EP       1216/5
               BH        399/3
               WP        745/4
   Ulysses (medium)
               EP       4561/5
               BH        817/3
               WP       1438/3
   Albert Vigoleis Thelen (hard)
               EP       2748/5
               BH        337/3
               WP        679/4

   Maultrommel (easy)
               EP       960/5
               BH       883/4
               WP       546/2
   wohltemperiertes Klavier (medium)
               EP       799/3
               BH         0/0
               WP      3146/4
   Quartsext-Akkord (hard)
               EP       510/3
               BH       121/5
               WP       470/3

   Brüder Lumière (easy)
               EP      4294/3
               BH      3619/4
               WP         0/0
   Katharsis (medium)
               EP      5439/5
               BH      5245/2
               WP       838/4
   Pina Bausch (hard)
               EP      1359/3
               BH      1759/4
               WP      1480/3

Myths/sagas/fairy tales
   Charybdis (easy)
               EP      2193/4
               BH      2136/5
               WP       855/2
   Leprechaun (medium)
               EP         0/0
               BH         0/0
               WP       788/5
   Yggdrasil (hard)
               EP       562/4
               BH       768/4
               WP       877/3

Now I need a new keyboard.

Regards, Lothar
Lothar Kimmeringer                E-Mail: spamfang at kimmeringer.de
               PGP-encrypted mails preferred (Key-ID: 0x8BC3CD81)

Always remember: The answer is forty-two, there can only be wrong

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