[Wikipedia-l] PROPOSED: Prohibition of alternate displayable usernames

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 1 00:39:37 UTC 2004

Optim wrote:
>[[User:tillwe|Till]] is disallowed because it
>creates confusion and can be used as a way to
>hide your real username. If you want to hide your
>identity you can logoff and post with an
>anonymous IP. Also, another useraccount may exist
>with the name "Till". Not everybody knows your
>first name, so we should examine the link in
>order to understand who you are.

This has got to be one of the most paranoid things I've read in a while. All you have to do to
find out what a person's full user name is to put your mouse pointer over their sig. Presto! Their
full user name is displayed as mouse over text. You can also check the history. 

But the notion that people are trying to hide their real user names for nefarious reasons by using
a nick is very insulting. Where the hell is the abuse Optim? If and when somebody votes twice in
the same poll using the same user account but different nicks, I can assure you that the people
who voted in the opposite direction will find that out quickly. If any user had a habit of doing
that, then that could form part of a ban request. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav <- I guess I'm now guilty of some perverse sin since I did not state my
full user name) 


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