[Wikipedia-l] New stuff on test.wiki

Andre Engels engels at uni-koblenz.de
Tue Jul 22 10:34:44 UTC 2003

On 22 Jul 2003, Erik Moeller wrote:

> > 2. The size of the article titles was fine as it was,
> Several people complained about it, and I agree with them. Headlines are
> not supposed to dominate the entire page, they are supposed to give the
> viewer a quick overview of the different sections. The important thing is
> not to use the same font size/style for totally different things.

The title is not supposed to give a quick overview of a the different
sections, it is supposed to give a quick overview of the whole page.

> > 3. There seem to be faint horizontal rules below the headings.
> Wikipedia allows users to insert other types of large font text into pages
> besides headings, such as <font..> formatted text, CSS formatted text etc.
> These lines help to distinguish between the two, which is important for
> seeing why certain lines don't show up in the TOC, for knowing which
> sections can be edited with the new right click feature etc. Of all the
> ways to separate headlines from other large font text I've tried, I like
> this one the best. Feel free to make alternative suggestions.

1. Don't bother about this.
2. Disallow the other ways of getting this, or change them so they don't
   get the same thing.
3. Tell users who are bothered by this to switch on section numbering.

I don't want Wikipedia to look ugly just so some option that I don't know
yet whether I will use it at all and certainly did not miss when it did
not exist works better.

Andre Engels

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