[Wikipedia-l] [Fwd: Re-use of Crown copyright material]

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.org
Sat Jul 12 06:09:30 UTC 2003

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I received this reply from HMSO concerning Crown copyright. It seems
that HM Government's opinion is that Crown Copyright is not compatible
with the GFDL.

I'm not really surprised, but ... "Signalman, hoist 'Bummer Zulu.'"

- -------- Original Message --------
<headers available upon request>

Dear Mr Barrett

Thank you for your letter of 7 July which was addressed to Carol Tullo
(Controller and Queen's Printer).

HMSO's  policy is to encourage the re-use of government information.  A
large amount of the material that is published on government websites is
considered "core" information and this can be reproduced at no charge under
the terms of HMSO's on-licence known at the Click-Use Licence.   Here is a
direct link to the licence terms:


You will see at paragraph 6.2  that there is an obligation on any holder of
a Click-Use Licence to ensure that the users of the licensee's
products/services are given an end-user licence to enable them to use the
Crown copyright material that is included in the product/service.

As I understand it the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License mean that
you are not able to pass on the obligations of our licence to the users of
your open content encyclopaedia (the end user).  If that is the case you
would not be meeting the terms of our licence.  If you are able to meet the
terms of our licence then there are no obstacles to you using core Crown
copyright material from government websites on your open content

I hope this note has clarified the query raised in your letter to Mrs Tullo.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Eeles
Licensing Manager
St Clements House
2-16 Colegate

Tel  01603 723009
Fax 01603 723000

Her Majesty's Stationery Office - delivers access and reuse of government
information through innovative e-services at www.hmso.gov.uk

The Cabinet Office's computer systems may be monitored and communications
carried on them recorded, to secure the effective operation of the system
and for other lawful purposes.

- --
~ Sean Barrett     | Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et
~ sean at epoptic.com | tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur!
~                  | [Those green pants go so well with
~                  | that pink shirt and the plaid jacket!]
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