[Wikipedia-l] Re: Avoid tables -- keep it simple!

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 21 22:31:33 UTC 2003

It is a pure pipe dream to think that tables are going
to go away because they are so damn useful and
visually appealing to the great majority of our
readers. Heck, we need /more/ not fewer tables because
Wikipedia is filled with tabular/almanac data that
isn't at all well-suited to prose. 

Think of how difficult it would be to find the thermal
conductivity of lithium if there wasn't a table with
that information in it. Having this information in a
very predictable place for a themed set of articles is
a very good thing. But it is ugly in the wikicode
code, so;

tarquin wrote:
>One simple option would be to put the code for the
>table on another page, and import it -- much like we
>do with images.
>We could agree on nicer table syntax at a later date

Which is something I suggested some time ago. A
table:namespace would be most useful here. The outside
border could be clickable so that a user can navigate
to the table namespace page.

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

I lost track of my WikiKarma somewhere in Death Valley
- I'm sure I had some left. 

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