[Wikipedia-l] A Three Way Split

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Thu Sep 19 00:40:06 UTC 2002

As a former primary teacher and recovered dyslexic, I'm not at all
surprised that 40% of the population are only up to a 5th grade level
(if that). 

I'm a fluent adult, and there are some articles in the wikipedia that
leave me going 'huh?!' because they're too complex and convoluted... I
think a really good writer who knows what they're talking about can make
complicated information seem simple, but a poor writer or someone overly
involved in the subject can make the simple seem incredibly complex
because they assume that everyone else has a certain level of
understanding that they don't actually have. 


Karen AKA Kajikit

And on the seventh day, God said 'What my world needs is a creature 
that will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
and so He made the kitten.

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