[Wikipedia-l] Common typos (was: Tucci528)

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Sat Sep 14 04:04:43 UTC 2002

elian wrote:

> I see the problem, but imagine this like a search and
> replace function in a texteditor: I usually don't hit "replace all", but
> look at every particular instance and decide, if it should be replaced.
> And something like this, if used in a responsible way (maybe only by
> admins) would be a very valuable tool for the wikipedia.
> So imagine a list of search results, all showing a few lines a content
> around to decide if it's a mispelling (and a link to the article if this
> is not enough information for you), and a checkbox beside each result to
> include it in the replace or not. All still depends on human judgement,
> but facilitates the editing a lot.

You mean a spellchecker :)

One solution is to take an article that you think has a LOT of typoes in
it and run it through the built-in spellchecker in Word or another word
processer. But then you still have to edit the page... 


Karen AKA Kajikit

And on the seventh day, God said 'What my world needs is a creature 
that will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
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