[Wikipedia-l] Who is welcome?

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Sep 12 16:55:07 UTC 2002

Jimmy Wales wrote:

>Ray Saintonge wrote:
>>Persons writing from the Christian or Jewish POV should receive the same 
>>"merciless" treatment
>Or anti-religious POV, too.
>Remember, Ed is a member of the Unification Church (popularly known as
>"Moonies"), so he's well aware of the challenges of working in
>wikipedia while coming from a point of view that is not only a
>minority, but widely regarded as "cultist".
Ed, to his credit did mention atheists and the Unification Church.  The 
point was more that holding a popular or majoritarian view would never 
imply immunity from criticism.

>>Adding material to support your POV is far superior to removing material 
>>that supports the opposing POV.
>I think that's right, although even in the infinity of cyberspace,
>individual articles do have some space constraints for the sake of
>readability.  Sometimes, some of the inquiry into and presentation of
>minority POVs will be best handled in sidebar articles.
We can't go on agreeing like this all the time!

Your point may be more a function of language and style than of specific 
content.  The problem can as easily arise in non-controversial article 
where people have simply never learned to get to the point.  

One other frequent contributor to this list, Mirwin, often makes some 
valuable points (judged by the fact that I often agree with him :-) ). 
 This doesn't stop me from criticizing his contributions as prolix and a 
challenge to the attention span..  An interesting exercise can be to 
take an opposing POV and reduce it in size without diminishing the 
impact of the author's arguments.


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