[Wikipedia-l] I'm seeing a trend here or How to keep driving away good contributors

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Fri Oct 25 01:00:54 UTC 2002

Daniel Mayer wrote:
> I hope we are all proud of ourselves about how
> tolerant we are with people who consistently exhibit
> anti-social behavior. Andre has left the project due
> to fatigue with having to deal with these miscreants
> and I am so /disgusted/ with loosing yet another great
> en.wiki contributor that for at least the next several
> days I am going to concentrate on the Spanish
> Wikipedia and contemplate priorities on my own future
> involvement in en.wiki.

And that's a shame... I think everyone gets 'battle fatigue'
occasionally. I stepped back for 3 weeks because I was getting
steamingly mad over the way we argue things round and round in circles
to the detriment of doing the real work. Hopefully Andre will decide to
return once he's recharged his batteries for awhile. 

The thing is, like it or not, the sysops ARE a defacto police force. It
doesn't matter that we have the ability to make these changes because we
asked for it. We care about the pedia enough to take action when
necessary. And yes, I think that should include the temporary banning of
people who repeatedly violate the code of conduct for the wikipedia. I
agree with KQ about this - atm the code of conduct is unwritten, but
when you sign up for virtually any other website you have to agree to
follow one. We should do the same - when you create a login you need to
agree to follow the basic rules - no name-calling, no vandalism, and no
uploading of copyrighted materials. Being caught doing any of those
things should be AUTOMATIC cause for unquestioned suspension for a
period of time. No arguments and no questions asked. 


Karen AKA Kajikit

To err is human... to really foul things up add kitten and stir.

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