[Wikipedia-l] Moving the English Wikipedia to en.wikipedia.org

Lightning lightning at chaos-productions.com
Sun Oct 13 15:54:59 UTC 2002

> Flags -- which ones to use? What to do for languages spoken in many
> countries? What to do for countries which speak several languages?
> World Map -- what about mixed areas? What about the load time for the
> image? It'll have to be pretty big to show the different areas of
> Switzerland, no?

I was thinking of a just black and white line copy png, that would be a
really small image, filesize wise, where ther is just enough distinction to
click on most countries, obviously it would be hard to represent sealand,
andorra, vatican luxemburg etc on this map..

OK map didn't work out.. how bout this
JUST the text links and the wikipedia logo in a fast loading splash page
that takes you to the appropriate language... too many people complaining
about not every single person being represented in the map.. sorry


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