[Wikipedia-l] Re: CE / BCE (was: RFC on a few feature requests)

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Oct 9 23:04:09 UTC 2002

Tom Parmenter wrote:

>The year 1 in either
>case started in a manger in Bethlehem, like it or not (and, yes, I
>know, there was no year 0 and Jesus was born, if at all, in 6 AD, one
>of my favorite paradoxes).
Just think, if we could correct the calendar on the basis of a birth in 
AD 6 we would now still be in AD1996.  The people who made money over 
the Y2K panic could have a second chance.

>BTW, what *are* the other systems likely to be encountered?  Muslim
>and Jewish are all I can think of, but maybe the Baalists have some
>preference that hasn't come to my agnostic attention.
There are quite a lot of them,  For an interesting treatment see 
http://www.geocities.com/Calendopaedia/    We're at about the year 2752 
AUC and 210 in the French Revolutionary Calendar


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