[Wikipedia-l] Cite your sources?

Vicki Rosenzweig vr at redbird.org
Wed Oct 2 16:48:53 UTC 2002

At 08:55 AM 10/2/02 -0700, you wrote:

>--- Vicki Rosenzweig <vr at redbird.org> wrote:
> > In general, I think this is a good use for Talk pages.
>I disagree: sources are a vital part of the article and should not be
>hidden away in an area that most readers will never find. I think of
>Talk as short term discussions aimed at improving an article, not as a
>depository of meta information. If all Talk pages are deleted tomorrow,
>the encyclopedia should  still be self-contained and complete.
>Sources are extremely useful information; it's impossible to evaluate
>material without sources. Why would we possibly hide that information
>from readers?

I was thinking of notes like "this is based on an article from X paper"
or "I googled and found a few sites", when the specific article or sites aren't
given, not references to books or research papers.

Vicki Rosenzweig
vr at redbird.org

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