[Wikipedia-l] Public domain image resources + metadata w/o the data

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 20 01:59:25 UTC 2002

If you haven't already, please everybody check out what a couple of users 
have cooked up at [[Public domain image resources]]. This has got to be one 
the the best organized recourses of this kind I have seen -- with categorized 
links to great images. I can't wait for the new software to get online so 
that some really interesting things can be done with the image:namespace 
(like extended descriptions of what the image is of -- along with the bare 
basics of attribution, date taken, where and copyright info). 

BTW, the new software does not display the image (data) at the 
image:namespace (metadata container) which seems to counter some pretty 
standard style "conventions" for the web. Usually when a image of a photo is 
clickable, clicking on the "thumbnail" will take the person to a larger 
version of the same image. Now I know that much isn't really practical and 
goes against what the image:namespace is for (display of metadata), but 
wouldn't it at least make some sense to have a non-clickable display of the 
same image on the image's image: page? When I first clicked on an image to 
test this feature it took me a minute or two to find the link to the image. 

If copyright and attribution and other such information (metadata) is going 
to be in the image's image: page then it is only logical to have the image  
(data) there too by default. 

In addition, I do forsee people wanting to print out images hosted on the 
server; shouldn't the info contained within the image page (metadata) also be 
printed with the image (data)? Of course there is nothing stopping me or 
anyone else from adding the image to the image's image: page, but then the 
displayed image will be clickable and lead the visitor right back to the same 
page (circular link). 

I also forsee, given the current setup, that people will start to turn 
image:namespace pages into places where they simply will place larger 
versions of the same image -- which I'm not sure was the intent (but will 
make perfect sense to many visitors and newbies -- may even be pretty darn 
useful for any description there -- so long as all the metadata is the same 
for both sizes of the image). I rambling again, so I will stop now... 


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