[Wikipedia-l] Re: Cologne Blue

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Fri Jul 19 11:54:18 UTC 2002

Could someone perhaps design a CologneBlue Mk2, with the following changes:
* serif font
* clearer toolbar
* key links along the top
* include the wikipedia logo

I agree with all the objections to CB, but I also agree with the need 
for a cleaner-looking interface to welcome newcomers.

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:

>Brion VIBBER wrote:
>Meanwhile, those of us who prefer that the site not scare away potential
>contributors on their first visit by presenting only its bath-avoiding,
>flea-infested, rib-protruding side, will continue to lobby for making CB
>the default look.
>I hate cologne blue for two reasons - firstly, it's a san-serif font
>which is not as good for large slabs of text as a serif font. There's a
>reason why virtually all books are typeset in good old time-roman or
>something similar - it's easier on the eyes... 
>and secondly, it doesn't have the basic menu options up the top of the
>screen. When I looked at it I had trouble finding 'random page' and
>'recent changes' and 'edit page' because they were buried in the busy
>sidebar instead of being neatly arrayed along the top by themselves. 

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